So I really like clothes. Dresses to be exact. I want to design one someday, maybe. The only problem is, I have no idea how I would do this. I don't know. Maybe I'll figure it out one day, but for now, look at these cuties that I found.
Cute, right? Yeah I know. I think I'm getting dress hungry, but I am a poor, unemployed college student so this is a major probem! *sigh*
On another note, I have found THE cutest blog in the history of blogs! It's called Busy Bee Lauren and I really suggest checking it out. It makes me smile!
Another happiness in my life (besides the beautiful fact that it is now officially SPRING BREAK!!!) is the beautiful, talented singer Regina Spektor. This always makes me want to paint. You too?
Ah! Well, I need to pack so I can go home! Yay for home!