Wednesday, January 26, 2011


So you know how I write a blog post probably once a moon cycle? Well, I do not love that, but I will tell you what I DO love.

I love the smell of Apple Cinnamon Tea. Seriously.
I do not love that it tastes like dirty water. Gross. (Unless you add honey with it and then it tastes like dirty honey water... Yeah. Still gross.)

I love reading funny blogs. Seriously. Please read this one that my friend's little brother writes. If you do not laugh at least once then you probably don't have a soul. Just saying...

I love finding things that inspire me/make me happy... Wanna see?

This is a day calendar where you can draw in how you felt that day... I want one, but it seemed kind of expensive so maybe I'll try and make my own.

So I may or may not be obsessed with a website called etsy. If you have not already, CHECK IT OUT! Seriously. It has so many cute things and gives me a lot of crafting ideas. I found this DIY project there and I feel that I just might have to do it.

Also on etsy:

Moostache Mugs (Yeas, I know this is not how 'mustache' is spelled. No, I do not care.) Love and love.

Okay so I don't actually remember where I found this, but I just thought it was so cute... Plus I may or may not be obsessed with cupcakes... They're just so cute!

Again, I don't remember where I got this pic, but I sure wish I did!

Something else that LOVE is learning something new. This semester I am taking French. What's that? You're not sure if you read this correctly? I AM TAKING FRENCH!!! I am so excited to learn this beautiful language!

I'm also in love with clothing. Dresses to be exact. This isn't in the 'Like OMG! Did you like see the new dress that my daddy bought for me? *smiley face* *winky face*' (Think valley girl.) sort of way, but in the 'I want to design a dress someday.' sort of way. Look at what I've found recently.*

*Disclaimer: Yes, I know some of these dresses are short. Yes, I believe in modesty. These are just some dresses that had distinct parts that I love. ie. a ruffle or the way the fabric is folded. Do not judge me.

What is something that you love/something that inspires you? I would love to know!

P.s. to everyone that I am suppose to send a letter to, I apologize! I'll hopefully be sending those out REEEEAAALLY soon.

1 comment:

Alexis Kaye said...

I LOVE all those dresses. And that day calendar. And that bird cage wall thingy! My blog is full of what inspires me. I did a post a little back with lists and pictures.
