Monday, May 16, 2011

Missing In Action.

Oh boy! What a crazy few weeks it's been, but first things first... I told you all that Alexis from A Beautiful Day to Be Alive is the winner for helping to name my panda, Reginald, right? Right. Well here is her prize....

Just kidding. That would be the worst prize in the history of ever. No. She wins this four-level box. It's good for holding jewelry or small candies etc. etc. 

Thanks for the help Alexis!

So I've been rather busy these past few weeks...
 First. Finals. Surprisingly, I passed! I have an A in four of my classes and if my other teacher would post my grade, I wouldn't have to check MyASU every five minutes. (Not bitter.)

Also, I got a job! I am a hostess at Joe's Crab Shack on Southern and McClintock.
Come visit me and I'll hook you up. (Okay, not really. I can do nothing about getting you free food, but you can still visit me, ya?)

I was also having fun with the cousins... What do we do when we're bored?

What a silly question! We choose a hat from our wall of hats and then we draw facial hair on ourselves with eyeliner. Duh!

And then we take weird pictures. 

My uncle thinks he's so manly with his fake chest hair. Ha!

More pictures (Don't worry, these ones AREN'T weird).
My little brother is graduating from high school! What the weird! Next year there will be three of us at ASU and only one in high school. Where has all this time gone? Twenty years goes by a LOT faster than I thought!
Anyways, I got to take his senior pictures! Here are some favorites.

I know I said no more weird pictures, but this is kind of hilarious! 

Really, that's all my life has been right now (besides watching Modern Family and Community. I may or may not be addicted. It's a problem.)
And to finish up, I think I'll do a mini "Stats" post from Christine's Blog.

Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul (Am I the only person that loves stories like this??)
The Ensign May... aka the conference talks.
Jane Eyre

Listening to:

Watched Yesterday:
The last two episodes of Community-Also, can I say that Abed is my very favorite? Well, I just did.

Want to Watch:
Leap Year (for the third time... we just bought it so I really need to watch!)
The Ultimate Gift (for probably the hundredth time. LOVE!)
Penelope (Again, probably the hundredth time. I will never grow tired of this movie.)
Pride and Prejudice- Keira Knightley version
Jane Eyre- But first I need to finish the book. *Sigh*

Well, that's it I think! I have a few ideas for an awesome summer and I'll try to post more often about it, but in the meantime, what's new with you?

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