Tuesday, November 2, 2010

'Tis the season... and a weekend update.

Can I just start off by saying that I love my stake and I reeeaaally love my ward? Well. I do. This past weekend we had a MAG (Multi-area-group... or something like that...) activity. What did we do? We went to
Camp Lomia of course! I forgot how much I love that place...

You're probably sick of hearing about them, but Blake, Dayton and Jessica are my road trippin' buddies so of course we went up together! We listened to rap on the way up like the true gangsters we are (Hah!) and we all got ring pops on the way back. Yeah... we go to college.

Although it was pretty cold up there (Born and raised in Mesa, I'm kind of a cold wimp...) It was really beautiful! The leaves actually change colors! I love it!

On Monday, for FHE my ward hosted a Halloween party for the stake! Supreme dance party! It rocked!
This is me and my good friend Charlynn. She was a ringmaster (although some people thought she was Lady Gaga... What??) and I am Perry the Platypus. If you don't know who that is... well, first you should shed some tears and then you should watch this. Basically, he rocks.

What did you do this weekend?

As it is now November, I thought it'd be suiting if I started giving thanks for all that I have. It's never too early to start, right??
I am so grateful for the Gospel. I don't know where I'd be without it and I know for a fact that I would not be as happy as I am if I didn't have it in my life.
I am so grateful for missionaries. Having an older brother on a mission in Brazil (Who comes home in January! That was fast!), several friends on missions (and some that will be leaving soon), and a calling as a ward missionary, my heart has been filled with love for the missionaries. They do so much and it is so fun to read about many of their experiences and watch how it helps them grow in the Gospel.
What else am I grateful for? You just might have to wait and see...

What are you most grateful for?

1 comment:

Sam and Heidi said...

I can't believe Drew comes home in January. That's so exciting!! :)

And that's awesome that you are a ward missionary in your ward!! Sam's the ward mission leader, so I get to go with him to all the meetings with the ward missionaries and help him out with the projects they're working on. It's a great calling, glad you're enjoying it. :)