Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What would you do-oo-ooo for a... letter?

If you do not understand the title, read it in as if it were the Klondike bar jingle. Now do you get what I'm going for? No? *facepalm* Don't worry about it.

So I know I'm not one for posting often, but I feel like I just have to share this with the bloggy-blog world. On Mondays I get home really late. I am at ASU at 7:30am and my last class ends at 7:30pm then I go to FHE and I usually don't get home until sometime between 9 and 10. I do not tell you this for your pity (I mean, I knew what I was getting into),  I just wanted you to know the reason for my first mistake. So I get home Monday night.  It has been a long, but wonderful day and as I head to my room I see a letter. Can I just say that I LOVE receiving letters?? Seriously. There is something magical about actually opening and reading something that doesn't emphasize how poor and uneducated I am. ANYWAYS, I am ecstatic. I look to see who the letter is from and for some reason only two words stand out to me Elder and Switzerland. I failed to notice the very sloppy handwriting which my friend who is in Switzerland/France on his mish definitely does NOT have.(This is mistake number one.) Of course these two very important words get me excited. I was seriously jumping for joy. In the literal sense.

I quickly open the letter and this is what I read: (I wish I could say that I made this up, but I did not.  This experience and letter are 100% true and the following text is word for word -and punctuation for punctuation so don't blame me- from this letter.)
"Bonjour Aubrey"
My name is Elder (Last Name) Im serving in the Suisde (This word may very well be wrong. I could NOT figure out what it said) Geneva mission. I was with Elder Boatright for a day and he had a picture of a few people on his desk so I asked him who they all were and he told me all of them were married except two and so I took down your address and thought to write you, that sounds like I took down the other girls address too but I didn't Well you know nothing about me and I know nothing about you. So I'll just start out with a question."
He then goes on to ask me questions and then answer them about himself. Now I'm just going to skip to the last question and ending.

"Are you excited for summer? I would be if I was home. I love going to the beach and just being out side. and wearing shorts and flip flops.
Hmm Im not really sure what else to write about, sorry for the horrible handwriting and bad spelling as you can see I make alot of mistakes.
Have a good week
Hope to hear from you
Elder (Last Name)"

All I could think was 'What the HECK was Josh thinking giving this elder my address?!" Although it is very funny and flattering that he wrote to me, I am at a standstill as of what to do. On one hand I really feel like this elder wrote to me because he is receiving very few letters from friends and family. On the other hand, this is a little weird and borderline creepy. SO. Should I write this elder for kicks and giggles (Don't worry, I'd be nice) or should I just pretend like this whole thing never happened? What do you, my dear trusted readers, believe I should do? What would you do-oo-ooo?


Lori said...

I would write him back, at least once. What can it hurt? Sounds like he's maybe a tad desperate, but why not make a missionary's day?

Linda and Rhonda said...

Play him and play him HARD!! :)

Alexis Kaye said...

I wouldn't write back. Homeboy needs to learn a lesson that it's not okay to be creepy. It's for his own good. Or you could write and tell him you're not interested in writing him, just so he doesn't make up stories about how maybe the letter got lost in the mail. :)

Cassie said...

You should write him. Obviously Josh thinks he okay enough to give him your address and Josh is your best friend right? Plus pin pals are always fun.

Christine Marie said...

I had someone do that to me once. I never wrote back but it may have been fun to do so. If you want to, go for it.

Kylee said...

I say why not? I have a way more creepy story to tell you that might shed some light on your situation. So my friend got this message on facebook from an elder (but really it was his sister relaying the message from his email) and it said that he had found her conversion story on He said he thought she was being a great missionary and that it would be cool if they could write each other! See, I think THAT'S an extremely desperate missionary, someone website stalking you without any connection to you at all. I didn't even know missionaries were allowed to do that, but there you go. And like someone else said, Joshy wouldn't give your address to just anyone. But if you're worried, you can always write Josh and ask him about it before you do anything else!