Question: If someone unintentionally does something that bothers, annoys, or inconveniences you, how do you respond? Do you talk to them and if so, what do you say?
That's really it. I know, I know... BO-RING, but I believe it to be an important question.
So I'm pretty sure it's illegal for me to leave a blog post this short AND picture-less so I'll leave a few beauts for you to love on.
That is a very, very good question. And it's one that I've debated so many times that I just don't know the answer anymore. I've tried both ways--telling the person, and not telling the person. When I told them, they were confused, defensive, and didn't take it well. They totally misunderstood what I was trying to say. When I didn't tell them, I went right on being annoyed and angry and they didn't know why. SO. I think if you do tell them, and it's someone you want to keep around for a while, tell them gently with a lot of explaining yourself. Explain that you like them a lot and don't mean this in a malicious way. Anyway. Those are my thoughts. Although I don't think you're any closer to a conclusion than you were before haha. Sorry
Wish I could help, but that's always been a question of mine too!!! I think it depends on what they do that annoys you.... If it's a big thing, like them saying things that offend you, I would probably approach them and say something to the effect of "when you do ______, it really offends me." and leave it at that. But if it's just something that annoys you, that's where it becomes hard because you don't know if it's important enough to do something about. Ok, that wasn't helpful at all... Sorry! But there you go. haha
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